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Das Messermeister Pro Series 8 Zoll Kochmesser ist das Arbeitstier in jeder Küche. Sie werden sich zu diesem Messer hingezogen fühlen und es für 90 % aller Ihrer Schneidaufgaben verwenden. Es hat einen übergroßen, geformten hygienischen Griff in Handelsqualität. Die gestanzte Klinge wurde auf ein dünnes Profil geschliffen, um eine rasiermesserscharfe Kante zu schaffen. Sie können hacken, schneiden, würfeln und zerkleinern, ohne Ermüdung bei längeren Schneidaufgaben.
- Meisterhaft in Portugal gefertigt.
- Konturierte PolyFibre-Griff für Sicherheit und Komfort.
- Deutsche X50 Edelstahlklinge mit einem 15° Schneidenwinkel.
- Meisterhaft in Portugal gefertigt.
- 100% Messermeister Qualität
- Händewaschen mit warmem Wasser und einem milden Reinigungsmittel; sofort abspülen und trocknen.
- Nicht in die Spülmaschine stellen.
- Vermeiden Sie Reiniger, die Bleichmittel oder Zitrusextrakte enthalten.

Very sharp, very nice. Will use instead of old dull knives from now on.
I recently bought a few different Pro Series knives to experience the different styles. I also own the Meridian Elite 8" Chef's Knife. While the Meridian is an absolute "must have," and I love it dearly, this Pro Series 6" Chef's knife is my new go-to 90% of the time. It's lighter, the blade is thinner, and it performs really well cooking portions for two people. Cutting up a whole onion for instance is fine with this 6" knife, but I would prefer my Meridian 8" for that task, as it's light weight and agility starts to work against it. If you're into lighter knives for agility around smaller portions, I highly recommend the Messermeister Petite Messer 5” Chef’s Knife as well. As for the 4-star rating...while the 6" knife arrived plenty sharp, it could not pass the paper test. I still recommend it and I did sharpen it.
I have had very good luck with several Messermeister knives, including a number from the Pro Series.
I was impressed with the quality and value of an earlier order and was intrigued with the "wide"chef series. At this point I have a month or so with the 8 inch and find myself reaching for it from my knife block most of the time. The handle is very comfortable and provides a secure grip that also allows excellent control. To me the blade shape is reminiscent of Bob Kramer's knives. The Pro Series has good steel that is easy to sharpen, takes a razor edge and holds it well. And did I mention the price?
These knives are very attractively priced and well worth it, in my opinion.
My favorite knife, I use it morning and night. I have 5 or 6 pair of tongs that I use on a regular basis too.
I have several of these knives and love to give them as gifts. They’re the perfect all around chef knife.